Pico Rivera Library to Host Vietnam War Education Programs
In anticipation of the Mobile Vietnam Memorial Wall installation at Smith Park, the Pico Rivera Library will be hosting a few programs in May that will bring the history of the Vietnam War to residents and visitors. Below is the schedule of programs that will be held at the Pico Rivera Library.
Program Title: Documentary – The Vietnam War
Audience: Adults (Video is rated TV-MA, children younger than 13 years must be accompanied by an adult)
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 15 – 6:00 pm
Description: Join us for a viewing of the first episode of The Vietnam War: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick.
Program Title: Book Club – The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
Audience: Adults
Date and Time: Tuesday, May 21 – 6:00 pm
Description: Join the Pico Rivera Library Book Club as they discuss this collection of short stories documenting the lives of a platoon of American soldiers fighting on the ground in the Vietnam War.
Program Title: Teen Advisory Board: Learn About the Vietnam Memorial Wall
Audience: Teens
Date and Time: Saturday, May 25 – 4:00 pm
Description: Join the Teen Advisory Board as they learn about the history of the Vietnam Memorial Wall and the controversy around its creator, Maya Lin, and surrounding its unique design. Teens will also learn about the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall replicas, one of which will be across the street at Smith Park from May 24 – May 27.
In addition to these programs, there will be displays of library books and DVDs on the Vietnam War (fiction, non-fiction, documentaries, feature films) available for checkout in the Pico Rivera Library. For more information regarding these programs, contact the Library at 562.942.7394.
Volunteers Needed for Mobile Vietnam Wall Event
The City of Pico Rivera is seeking volunteers for the upcoming installation of the Mobile Vietnam Memorial Wall (AV WALL) during the Memorial Day weekend, Friday, May 25 through Monday, May 27. Volunteer duties for this event will include setup, greeter, computer worker, wall walker, overnight watch, and tear down. If you are interested in volunteering, contact City Staff, Kristin Baca at 562.801.5512 or email kbaca@pico-rivera.org.
Volunteers must be signed up and able to attend a training that will be held by the AV Wall Board on Thursday, May 9.
Details about the event will be posted on our Social Media channels later this month, and will be in the May edition of the Profile. For additional information, call 562.801.4430.
Resident Veterans Turn 100
Every now and then, we will hear about a resident turning 100 years old. Let’s face it, turning 100 is a huge deal, and many seek the answers for longevity. This past month saw maybe an unusual occurrence – not one but THREE – 100 year birthday celebrations. What makes this so rare is that all three individuals proudly served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Let’s all get together and sing Happy Birthday to these Veteran Centenarians of Pico Rivera.

Richard Salas
February 24, 1924
U.S. Army

Joe Hilario
March 12, 1924
U.S. Navy

Matilde Bañales
March 14, 1924
U.S. Navy
Memorial Day Event Reminder
The City of Pico Rivera will host the annual Memorial Day Ceremony at the Mines Avenue Monument on Monday, May 27 beginning at 10 a.m. Look for additional details in next month’s Profile.