City Staff take on Go-Getters

The Pico Rivera Go-Getters and staff from Pico Rivera City Hall squared off during the annual Go-Getters vs.... Read More → City Staff take on Go-Getters

Parent Teacher Organization Surprises Rivera Fifth Graders

The fifth graders at Rivera Elementary received a send-off that they weren’t expecting, thanks to a group... Read More → Parent Teacher Organization Surprises Rivera Fifth Graders

General Municipal Election to be Heldon November 8, 2022

The City of Pico Rivera will conduct a General Municipal Election on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, for two... Read More → General Municipal Election to be Heldon November 8, 2022

City to Offer Summer Meal Program

Children ages 18 and under can get free nutritional meals this Summer, thanks to a program offered by the... Read More → City to Offer Summer Meal Program

“Outdoor Access for All” Granted to Pico Rivera

The City’s Parks and Recreation Department learned last month that it will be receiving over $481,000 from... Read More → “Outdoor Access for All” Granted to Pico Rivera

Law Enforcement Torch Run

Deputies from the Pico Rivera Sheriff’s Station, along with a few volunteers laced up their shoes for a mad... Read More → Law Enforcement Torch Run

How Residents Can Help During the Drought

There are a number of ways Pico Rivera residents can help conserve water while the state is in a drought. For... Read More → How Residents Can Help During the Drought

Summer Energy Savings Tips

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO), which manages the California electricity grid is the one... Read More → Summer Energy Savings Tips

Leland A. Cupp American Legion Post 341 Update

Months ago, the City shared an article about the challenges the 100-year old Leland A. Cupp, American Legion... Read More → Leland A. Cupp American Legion Post 341 Update

Virtual City Hall: A New Way to Engage

After months of building and beta-testing with City staff, the City has launched its new and redesigned... Read More → Virtual City Hall: A New Way to Engage

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