Registrations for the City’s popular Summer Camp Program are now being accepted at the Department of Parks and Recreation Office and Pico Park.
The City’s Parks and Recreation Department is offering three summer camps, Kids Camp for kids in TK through second grade; Camp Alotafun for kids who are in the third through fifth grades; and Teen Camp for sixth through eighth graders. Placement is determined by the grade a child will be entering in the 2022-2023 school year.
Kids Camp and Camp Alottafun will be held at Pico Park, 9528 Beverly Boulevard, and Teen Camp will be held at the Rio Hondo Park, 8421 San Luis Potosi Place. All camps will be held Monday through Friday beginning Monday, June 12 through Friday, August 4 from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Breakfast and Lunch will be included through the Summer Food Service Program.
The fee for each of the camps is $120, per participant per week. Daily rates are not available. Campers will be required to wear camp T-shirt on a daily basis. Camp T-shirts will be available for purchase at each campsite for $8 each. Face Masks will be optional while City staff will continue to comply with the most recent County Health Officer Orders.
Registration for Summer Camp will begin on Monday, May 8, and will be taken ONLINE ONLY at There will be no on-site registrations taken. For more information, call 562.801.4430.