On November 15, 2022 the Zoning Administrator approved the development of a 68,837 square foot, two-story office building for the Southern California Gas Company. The project site is 34 acres and is located at 8101 Rosemead Boulevard (APN: 6368-006-800 and -801) within the Limited Industrial (I-L) zone. The office building will house office space, operations equipment, increased server/storage needs, operations training and simulation facilities. Multiple conference rooms, huddle spaces, breakout rooms, and in-house support services will also be accommodated. Primary operation hours for the new office building will be 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and a small contingent of the building would include occupants operating up to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Renderings of the project may be found here.
The City of Pico Rivera adopted an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the Project.
The IS/MND may be reviewed here.
- Appendix A Air Quality & Greenhouse Gas Analyses
- Appendix B Cultural Assessment
- Appendix C Geotechnical Analysis
- Appendix D Hazardous Materials Documentation
- Appendix E Hydrology and Water Quality Reports
- Appendix F Noise Data
- Appendix G Vehicle Miles Traveled Memorandum
- Appendix H Utilities Correspondence
Questions: Please call Estefany Franco, Planner, at (562) 801-4026 for any questions regarding the project.