The goal of the Pico Rivera Safe Routes to School Program is to help children walk and bike to school more often and more safely.  The City of Pico Rivera, in partnership with the El Rancho Unified School District, began the program this past fall. The Pico Rivera Safe Routes to School project serves all eight elementary schools and three middle schools in the District.

The program will teach kids and parents how to walk and bike to school, improve traffic safety during drop-off and pick-up times, educate drivers about how they can keep kids safe, and improve the health of students by increasing their physical activity.

Currently, the City is looking for volunteers interested in serving on program teams at each participating school. They will assist the City in developing and implementing efforts focusing on the program’s four different components: education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation. Please contact Safe Routes to School Coordinator Mark Seinen  or (213) 489-7443 ext. 109 to get involved. 

Final Report September 2015

Final Walk Audit Report

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