Pico Rivera Satellite location to offer more than a dozen classes for local students
Open registration is now underway for the Rio Hondo College Fall 2022 session. Fall semester begins on Saturday, August 20 and continues through Saturday, December 10.
Residents are reminded that they can take many of the classes offered at Rio Hondo College right here at the Rio Hondo Center at Pico Rivera.
The Center at Pico Rivera will offer the following classes for Fall 2022: College & Life Success, Career Exploration and Life Planning, Government of the United States, History of the United States, History of the United States since 1865, Introduction to Chicana/o/x Studies, Introduction to Psychology, Public Speaking, Religion, Magic, Witchcraft, & Superstitions, Spanish I, and Statistics.
A full description of all the above classes is available on the Rio Hondo College website at riohondo.edu. The Rio Hondo Education Center at Pico Rivera is located at 9426 Marjorie Street, just across the street from El Rancho High School. For more information about the classes offered at the Pico Rivera Center, call 562.222.1482.