The following guidelines are to help residents optimize the use of campaign/political signage to achieve their intended purpose while adhering to legal and safety standards.  Signs shall not be posted or placed in any way that poses a hazard or traffic sight visibility problem to motorists, pedestrians or cyclists using the public right-of-way or in any manner that creates a safety hazard.  Additionally, signs may only be posted ninety (90) days prior to the election and must be removed within ten (10) days after the election.

For the purpose of this section, campaign/political signs are defined as temporary signs that encourage a particular vote in a scheduled and upcoming election. 


  • Posted/Placed between August 7, 2024 through November 15, 2024
  • Must be on private property with prior consent of the property owner
  • Not allowed on the public right-of-way including trees or fencing
  • Should not be posted/placed in any way that poses a hazard or sign visibility problem
  • City may remove any campaign sign that it deems improperly placed (at the expense of the respective candidate) and without notice to the campaign or candidate


  • On parkways (between the sidewalk and the street)
  • Posted to any public tree (street or park) or utility pole
  • On medians in public streets
  • On fences on public right-of-way or along County flood control channels
  • On utility poles (see Southern California Edison below)

California State Law

Outdoor Temporary Political Signs (Including Placards and Posters).

Nothing in this chapter, including, but not limited to, Section 5405, shall prohibit the placing of temporary political signs, unless a federal agency determines that such placement would violate federal regulations. However, no such sign shall be placed within the right-of-way of any highway or within 660 feet of the edge of and visible from the right-of-way of a landscaped freeway.

A temporary political sign is a sign which:

(a) Encourages a particular vote in a scheduled election.

(b) Is placed not sooner than 90 days prior to the scheduled election and is removed within 10 days after that election.

(c) Is no larger than 32 square feet.

(d) Has had a statement of responsibility filed with the department certifying a person who will be responsible for removing the temporary political sign and who will reimburse the department for any cost incurred to remove it. B. & P. Code § 5405.3


It is a misdemeanor for any person to place or maintain, or cause to be placed or maintained without lawful permission upon any property of the State, or of a city or of a county, any sign, picture, transparency, advertisement, or mechanical device which is used for the purpose of advertising or which advertises or brings to notice any person, article of merchandise, business or profession, or anything that is to be or has been sold, bartered, or given away. CA Penal Code § 556

It is a misdemeanor for any person to place or maintain or cause to be placed or maintained upon any property in which he has no estate or right of possession any sign, picture, transparency, advertisement, or mechanical device which is used for the purpose of advertising, or which advertises or brings to notice any person, article of merchandise, business or profession, or anything that is to be or has been sold, bartered, or given away, without the consent of the owner, lessee, or person in lawful possession of such property before such sign, picture, transparency, advertisement, or mechanical device is placed upon the property.  CA Penal Code § 556.1


It is unlawful to post materials on Edison-owned utility poles (California Penal Code 556.1 and 591). Listed as a misdemeanor, the Penal Code states that the offense is punishable by a fine of $500 and a maximum five-year imprisonment.

The California Department of Transportation specifies State law governing campaign signs. Temporary political signs shall not be placed within the right-of-way of any highway or be visible within 660 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of a classified “landscaped freeway.” State law directs the Department of Transportation to remove unauthorized temporary political signs and bill the responsible party for their removal. Should you have any questions, contact Caltrans at (916) 654-6473 or by visiting the CalTrans website on Political Signs.

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