Measure AB: Facts & Information

What is Measure AB:
Since the late 1960’s Pico Rivera’s business license fee structure, has remained largely unchanged, despite substantial changes in our population and demographics. Pico Rivera has made great strides to improve our public safety, enhance our infrastructure and sustain clean parks over the last 50 years.
The current business license structure is outdated and does not provide equity for small businesses or generate sufficient revenue to address the long-term infrastructure and public safety needs of Pico Rivera. The current fee structure is a flat fee, which has a higher effective tax rate on small businesses than on large businesses.
While the Pico Rivera City Council has continually passed balanced budgets, the ongoing needs of the city cannot be met under the current or projected revenues. It is expected that Measure AB will generate $5.8 million dollars each year that goes directly into Pico Rivera and can only be used in Pico Rivera.
If passed by voters, Measure AB will help protect Pico Rivera’s long-term financial stability, reduce crime and address long-term infrastructure needs.
Measure AB is not a sales tax or parcel tax.
Potential Benefits of Measure AB:

Public Safety
Measure AB may help the city ensure funding exists for ongoing crime prevention, community safety programs and homeless intervention. City leaders have sought to secure and protect Pico Rivera by enhancing public safety to confront personal and property crimes while improving 911 response times.

Improve Infrastructure
Measure AB will help the city focus back on long-term infrastructure needs, fixing potholes, protecting water quality and addressing aging city buildings and facilities.

Clean & Safe City
Measure AB will help ensure our Parks and facilities are maintained clean and safe. Clean drinking water, clean and safe parks are critical to ensuring our youth, older residents and families can fully enjoy Pico Rivera.
Facts About Measure AB
• Measure AB is not a tax on residents. It is not a sales tax or a parcel tax on individuals or residents.
• The current business fee structure is a flat fee, which has a higher effective tax rate on small businesses.
• Under the current structure, small businesses pay about 8%, medium business pays about 4%, and large business pays about 3.5% – the fee structure is not equitable for small business.
• The City’s business fee does not measure impacts on city services based on the type of business.
• Some businesses have a heavy impact on the quality and longevity of the city’s roadways and public infrastructure.
• The city will generate approximately $5.8 million dollars in new annual revenue that goes back into the community and cannot
be used outside of Pico Rivera.
How To Vote This Year
This year, all voters will automatically receive a ballot in the mail in early October. You might have already received your ballot, if you are unsure, please contact the Los Angeles County Registrar of voters at 800-815-2666.

You have options for voting in this election, including:
• Return your ballot by mail via the US Postal Service
• Drop off at an official ballot drop box location
- Pico Park
- Smith Park
• Vote in person at a voting center:
11-days before the Elections:
- Pico Park Community Center located at 9528 Beverly Blvd.
4-days before the Elections:
- Smith Park located at 6016 Rosemead Blvd.
• Early voting at the County Registrar Headquarters12400 Imperial Highway, Room 3201 Norwalk, CA 90650
To check the status of a returned ballot, visit: https://www.lavote.gov/av_inquiry
For more information, visit the County Registrar of Voters: https://www.lavote.gov/home/voting-elections (800) 815-2666
A New Way to Engage
6615 Passons Boulevard Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Phone Number: (562) 942-2000
City Hall is open Monday – Thursday
7:30AM to 5:30PM