Local Roadway Safety Plan

Project Overview
The City of Pico Rivera is developing a comprehensive Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP). The LRSP would enable the City to enhance roadway safety for all modes of transportation and for all ages and abilities.
The overarching goal is to develop a successful LRSP by utilizing the historic collision database to create a decision-making process that relies on a partnership with stakeholders and public outreach using the five “E’s of traffic safety: Engineering, Enforcement, Equity, Education, and Emergency Medical Services.
Scroll down to view the project area and report your roadway safety concerns in the City of Pico Rivera.
- Project Overview
- Project Area
- Collision History
- Project Updates
- Provide Feedback
Collision History
The map below shows collisions that occurred in the City of Pico Rivera from 2017 to 2021.
Directions: Navigate the map to find collision hot spots. Use mouse wheel or provided buttons to zoom in and out. Pan by left-clicking on the map or using your device’s touch screen. Collisions are color-coded to correspond to collision severity. Use the interactive legend (click on the button with three bars on the right) to view collisions of each severity. Click on each collision for more details.
Project Area
Project Updates
06/13/2023: LRSP Report review and presentation to City Council. Click here to view the final report and click here to review the Council presentation.
12/06/2022: Second Stakeholder Meeting where draft countermeasures and safety projects were presented. Click here to view the presentation.
09/21/2022: First Stakeholder Meeting where initial collision analysis and high injury information was presented. Click here to view the Stakeholder Meeting presentation.
09/15/2022: Pico Rivera Literature Review and Goals and Objectives completed.
06/30/2022: View the Collision History section for collisions of all severity that occurred in the City of Pico Rivera from 2017 to 2021. We are constantly updating the interactive map as the project moves forward.
03/30/2022: Downloadable materials, plans, and reports will be uploaded here when they are available.
Provide Feedback
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Everyone deserves safe, local roads. Fill out the survey and let us know how to make streets safer.
Your input is essential for the success of this Local Roadway Safety Plan. Click the button below to provide us with your concerns regarding safety and access for all modes, ages, and abilities.
A New Way to Engage
6615 Passons Boulevard Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Phone Number: (562) 942-2000
City Hall is open Monday – Thursday
7:30AM to 5:30PM