The City of Pico Rivera is facilitating a modern-day renaissance devoted to cultivating a well-balanced, people-oriented, and vibrant place to thrive. The City is advancing a broad portfolio of plans, projects, and programs that range from capital infrastructure improvements (e.g. roads, sidewalks, medians, utilities, parks, etc.) to new parks, new developments, new businesses, new art, and plans to revitalize major corridors. As the projects and plans unfold, we strive to embrace and reflect the rich history, culture, and diversity of Pico Rivera. We invite you to explore these projects and more importantly, we encourage you to participate in the process. This page is dedicated to providing up-to-date information regarding project goals, costs, timelines, and much more. Please check back regularly or sign up for updates. We look forward to capturing and incorporating your feedback where possible.

Current Plans & Projects

Pico Rivera 2035

Public Works Projects

Historic Whittier Boulevard

Comprehensive Zoning Code Update

SELA mEV Tech Hub

Washington Blvd. TOD Specific Plan

City Branding, Signage & Furniture Master Plan

Climate Action & Adaptation Plan

Local Roadway Safety Plan

Rosemead/Lakewood Blvd.
Complete Corridor Project

The PAD Park

Urban Greening Plan

Citywide Parking Analysis

Median Landscaping & Beautification

Mines Ave. Bikeway Project

Pico Rivera Passenger Rail Station

Safe Routes to School

Youth Center Renovation Project

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