Find Your Water Service Provider
To find a detailed listing of services within the City of Pico Rivera by the City of Pico Rivera Water Division, please use the following link. The website is fully searchable by address.
City of Pico Rivera – Address Service Location
If the service address for which you are requiring activation is within this listing, please complete the below PDF application and submit in person with the City of Pico Rivera Water Department, located at 6615 Passons Blvd, Pico Rivera, CA 90660. In addition to the completed and signed application, please provide either proof of ownership or a rental agreement. A valid Driver’s License or California Identification Card is also required. A water deposit fee of $114.00 (residential) or $342.00 (commercial) plus an application fee of $90.00 must be paid at the time of application.
The map below will allow you to pinpoint your address on a map, specifying the servicing department for your location.
You can also use this map to find your water service provider:
Green: City of Pico Rivera
Red: Pico Water District
Water Division
(562) 801-4316
If you do not reside within the City of Pico Rivera’s service area, please contact the Pico Water District:
Pico Water District
4843 S. Church St.
Pico Rivera, CA
Mailing Address
PO Box 758
Pico Rivera, CA
PHONE: 562.692.3756
FAX: 562.692.5627
A New Way to Engage
6615 Passons Boulevard Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Phone Number: (562) 942-2000
City Hall is open Monday – Thursday
7:30AM to 5:30PM