City Hall and other City facilities will be CLOSED on the following days during the months of December and January in observance of Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holidays.
Monday, December 25 – Monday, January 1, 2024
The City’s Camp Program will be closed on Monday, January 1, 2024
Street Sweeping will continue on Tuesday, December 26 through Friday, December 29. However, there will be NO Street Sweeping Parking Enforcement during this time. Residents are encouraged to continue to follow the signs posted on their block so that their streets can be properly swept.
Trash Service will be suspended on Monday, December 25 and Monday, January 1. Service will resume on the Tuesdays following the Monday Holidays and will be delayed one service day.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Closure
Monday, January 15
There will be NO Street Sweeping or Parking Enforcement on Monday, January 15. Trash Service will be on a regular schedule.
For more information on the Holiday operating schedule, call City Hall at 562.942.2000 or the Parks and Recreation office at 562.801.4430.