Billing FAQ

You will need to create a new online account in the new payment portal. The account creation process is straightforward.

The registration page will ask for your Username (email), Password, Confirm Password, First Name, and Last Name.

After entering your information and clicking the Register button, you will receive an email with an activation link for verification.

Once verified, you will be able to log in to the portal and proceed with online bill payment activities.

If you have created an online account, the next step is to add your utility account to your profile. On the MyDashboard page, select View under the Utility Bill section, which will direct you to the My Utility page.

Here, you will find the Add Utility Account option. This step is required only once. Once your utility account is added to your profile, you will be able to track your bills, make payments, set up recurring payments, and more.

Once you click the Add Utility Account button, you can add your utility account by entering your account number and street number. Once a valid combination is provided, the system will display your account information, along with options to View account details, Pay your bill, or set up the Autopay.

Yes, you can make a payment by using the ‘One-Time Pay’ option available on the Bill Pay Center page, without the need to log in or create an online account. You need keep information on utility account#, house # and email address(for receving confirmation) handy.

Please verify that the account number you provided is valid and corresponds to an address serviced by the City of Pico Rivera Water Department. The City of Pico Rivera bills for water services through the Pico Rivera Water Authority, and payments should be made to the City of Pico Rivera Water Department. Please note that the City will not accept payments from other water service providers, such as Pico Water District (PWD) or San Gabriel Valley Water District.

Yes, you can set up recurring payments by following these steps:

1) Add your payment method information (credit card, debit card, or eCheck), and
2) Select the payment frequency and the amount to be paid for each occurrence of the recurring payment.

Online payments can be made using either a credit/debit card or eCheck. Please note that a convenience fee applies to credit/debit cards and e-check transactions. MasterCard and Visa are the accepted credit and debit card options.

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