Pictured above (l to r) : Deputy Sean Phaneuf, Deputy John Sandoval, Deputy Jesus Perez, Deputy Brandon Longoria, Deputy Leonel Gomez, Lt. Kimberly Mendoza, Sgt. Jonathan Branham, Volunteer Robert Bello

In an effort to deter Catalytic Converter Thefts, the Sheriff’s Department hosted two Catalytic Converter Etching Events at the Pico Rivera Sheriff’s Station. Over 100 residents registered and had their catalytic converters etched by station deputies with either vehicle identification numbers or vehicle license plate numbers. Having these numbers etched on the vehicle’s catalytic converter makes it easier to trace back to the rightful owner should it be stolen, and it makes more difficult to sell to sell to scrap yards as they may find unusual markings or perhaps an etched number signifying that the Converter is stolen property.

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