Storefronts and Promotional Advertising
The City understands that a storefront is arguably the most valuable space in a store and should be used to its full advantage. A transparent storefront is important because it welcomes customers inside with products and services on display, discourages crime with more “eyes on the street,” reduces energy consumption by letting in natural light, and enhances the curb appeal and value of the store and the entire neighborhood.
Below is a summary of the general regulations on commercial window signage and commercial banners, pennants, and flags:
General Regulations
» A Permit is required for window and promotional advertising.
» All promotional signs shall be of professional quality.
» Consecutive permits will not be granted.
» Rotating or revolving signs, all roof mounted signs, any type of balloon sign,
air dancers, and any blow-up advertising is prohibited.
» New Businesses – The application fee for a new business is waived for the
initial promotional advertising banner and pennant permit and/or promotional
flag permit within the first 30 days of business operations.
Window Signage
>> Window signage cannot exceed 25% of any window area of each building side fronting a public street or off-street parking facility.
>> 75% of the window area to remain unobstructed and transparent.
Banners and Pennants
>> Banners shall be mounted flush against the building’s façade and shall not be affixed to a vehicle, tree, ground, pole, etc.
>>Tenants in a commercial center must place promotional advertising within the storefront area in which the signage is intended to serve.
» No promotional advertising permit shall be issued for a period of time exceeding 30 consecutive days or 60 consecutive days.
» Maximum one flag per business to be placed with a minimum of 5’ from property lines, 10’ from driveways, and 50’-100’ as determined by staff, from other promotional flags.
» 7-day display period shall encompass a federal or state holiday or Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, grand opening, or graduation day, or a special event approved by the Zoning Administrator.
» Shall not be attached to any building, structure, or landscape.
» While the City places every effort to be business-friendly, it also intends to mitigate the impacts of sign proliferation and its effect on the retail and neighborhood environment.
For further information pertaining to particular signs and advertising for your business, please visit: bit.ly/prmc_signsandadvertising or call the Planning Division at 562.801.4332.

Regulations on Mechanical Equipment
The City of Pico Rivera’s Municipal Code sets forth property development standards, including regulating mechanical equipment located on rooftops, ground level, or anywhere on the building, whether these are residential, commercial, or industrial properties. Mechanical equipment must be completely enclosed so as not to be visible from any public street and/or adjacent property, with some exceptions: Roof-mounted air-conditioning units shall not be permitted for singlefamily residential zoned properties unless the unit is physically unable to be installed in a ground-mounted location as determined by the building official.
Residential ground-mounted air-conditioning units shall be installed along the rear building wall or side yard provided that a 3-foot side yard setback is maintained and screened from any public right-of-way view of single-family residential zoned properties. Exposed heating and air conditioning ducts shall be concealed to appear as part of the main structure.
New industrial and commercial development must screen roof-mounted equipment by a parapet wall and may not be visible from the public street or adjacent property.
As outlined above, property development regulations are necessary to ensure residential, commercial, and industrial developments throughout the City are consistent while maintaining a healthy and desirable place to live and do business. This contributestoward a greater quality of life for all residents and visitors.