Winter Greetings Pico Rivera Community from your Sheriff’s Station Captain! Wow, is it already winter? Hopefully everyone has had a wonderful start to the holiday season, and you are all gearing up for the end of year festivities. As I reflect on this past year of service to you, it is with a grateful heart that I say I have been honored and humbled to connect with so many of you this past year. Whether at city events, via social media, during my travels through our schools, stopping by the station, or just in my travels throughout the city, I am blessed to have been welcomed into such an engaging, caring, and supportive community. You all work so very hard to support and provide for your families, and I am privileged to work just as hard for you. For those whose working years are in the rear-view mirror and you are enjoying your golden and retirement years, I have been fascinated by your life stories, your histories, with many of you even sharing of your military service and your decades of tenure as Pico Rivera residents. With such a diverse community, you have collectively expanded my perspectives and enriched both my personal and professional life. I look forward to year number two as your captain and adding to the vast rolodex of interesting people I’ve met.
At the beginning of 2022, my theme of the year was “PROGRESS.” I challenged each of my personnel to take an inventory of the current state of their life, to see which areas they would like to see progress, to assess their current social circles of who is in their life. What habits and people enhance their progress and what habits and people inhibit their progress. I have personally taken on my own challenge and accepted that charge with positive results!
For this coming year, 2023, my theme of the year will be “IMPACT.” This year, I will challenge each of my personnel to take a self-inventory to see where each can make an impact and leave a mark for their workplace, their community, and their family. I will accept that challenge myself and also extend that challenge to each of you in the community. Let’s take an inventory of who is in our life and how and where we can be helpful. Now more than ever, our society as a whole must unite and stand for what is good and right and just. There is no better place to start than to see where we can make an impact, whether that impact is made on a global, community, political or professional platform or whether that impact is silent, humble, and unseen. We have all been blessed with gifts to give others. Whether we impact large gatherings or one person at a time, whether from a podium or a park bench, we all have the capability of positive impact.
Our first priority as a Sheriff’s Station is Public Safety. We are here to keep the community and the residents safe. But closely tied to public safety is “IMPACT.” We are here to have a positive impact on the community we serve. This year has been a great start and I want to make it better. I want to experience PROGRESS so that I can make an IMPACT. As a former Girl Scout, one of our guiding principles was, “Leave a place better than it was when you got there.” I still try to live up to that standard. Imagine what more we can accomplish as a team if we prioritize the importance of having a positive impact.
We are all a team. We want to connect with you. We want to hear from you. We want to get to know you. You can contact us through the LASD website, the City of Pico Rivera website, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You can also call 562.949.2421 or stop by the station at 6631 Passons Boulevard.
Till we meet……Stay Safe.
Sheriff's Shorts
Last month, Chick-fil-A and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Pico Rivera Station, hosted “Coffee with a Cop.” This was an opportunity for the community to meet with station deputies and the station caption, Jodi Hutak. Throughout the two-hour event, dozens of residents were able to meet with the Pico Rivera Sheriff’s Station deputies to speak on a variety of topics and concerns they have regarding public safety.

Deputies from the Pico Rivera Sheriff’s Station decided to take a walk with students during the Station’s celebration of National Walk to School Day. National Walk Day encourages students and parents to walk to school to be more active and aware of the safe routes to their local schools. Pictured here are students and parents from South Ranchito Dual Language Academy walking alongside Deputies from the Pico Rivera Station.

Beware of Porch Pirates…
The holidays are approaching and so is the busy online shopping season. As many residents will use online shopping for convenience, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reminds online shoppers to be mindful that there will be thieves standing by to steal those wonderful gifts that you purchased online. Thieves are casing the neighborhoods looking for the perfect opportunity to snatch your packages
away from your porch. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has some
package theft prevention tips for you. Visit their website at

Residents who are looking to purchase an item from the internet or from a newspaper ad for the Holidays and need to meet the seller to retrieve their item can do so safely at the Pico Rivera Sheriff’s Station. The Station has two marked parking stalls in their public parking lot specifically for this purpose. The stalls are marked with “Exchange Zone” and are completely free and especially safe to use.