In September of 2021, the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill (AB) 602 and the Governor signed it into law. AB 602 created new requirements for development impact fees that went into effect on January 1, 2022. Specifically, the new law amends Government Code Section 65940.1 and added Section 66016.5 to impose the reporting requirements on cities, counties, and special districts. This page is a repository of all the information required to be publicly posted under AB602.

AB 602 Development Impact Fees

A current list of fees may be found HERE.

The development standards may be found within the Municipal Code at this link. Pico Rivera Municipal Code

Development Impact Fees

Park Fees in Article II Park Land Dedication or In Lieu Fees (Section 17.36.150-17.36.270)

Public Image Enhancement Article II Public Image Enhancement Program (Section 18.42060-18.42.130)

AB 1600 Reports

There have been no Impact Fees studies adopted after 2018. Beginning January 1, 2022, cities and counties must update nexus studies every eight years; therefore, existing studies need not be updated until 2030.

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