Did you know that shopping and dining in Pico Rivera helps make our community a great place to live? That’s because a percentage of every dollar you spend at local merchants is used to provide vital City services such as law enforcement, public safety programs, street maintenance, community and recreational facilities and so much more.

This holiday season is a great time to patronize local stores and restaurants, so remember to shop and dine in Pico Rivera.

Small Business Saturday 2024

The Pico Rivera Chamber of Commerce (PRCC) proudly celebrates Small Business Saturday to show support for and promote the importance of small businesses in our community.

This year, Small Business Saturday is on November 30, 2024 and the PRCC encourages all residents to shop locally and buy from small, independently-owned businesses.

The goal is to boost the local economy, create awareness about the unique products and services offered by small businesses, and foster a sense of community by strengthening the connection between local businesses and their customers.

Small Business Saturday helps highlight the vital role that small businesses play in driving economic growth and sustaining vibrant neighborhoods.
Shop & Dine Pico Rivera!

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