School is back in session in Pico Rivera, so now is an excellent time to remind students walking to school and drivers in school zones always to remain alert to their surroundings.
Here are a few safety tips for students walking to and from school:

» Choose the safest and most direct route to school with the fewest street crossings.

» Obey crossing guards, traffic signals, and markings at all times.

» Walk, don’t run, across streets.

» Do not cross in the middle of the street. Go to the nearest intersection or crosswalk.

» Do not enter the street from between parked cars, bushes, or shrubs that could block the view of passing motorists.
Parents who drive students to school should drop them off and pick them up at a safe location where they won’t have to cross a street to get to school.
Drivers entering school zones must obey all posted traffic signs, watch out for students walking at crosswalks, and obey all directions given by City Crossing Guards. Failure to comply with Crossing Guards’ directions can result in a fine from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department of up to $100 for a first-time offense.

For more information on safety tips or the City’s Crossing Guard Program, call the Parks and Recreation Department at 562.801.4430.

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