By a majority vote during a City Council meeting held in June of last year, the City Council adopted a two-year (Biennial) operating budget for fiscal years 2023-24, and 2024-25. This past June, the City Council formally adopted the second year of the Biennial Budget after much discussion through Study Sessions and a Public Hearing.

As we enter year two of the Biennial Operation Budget, City Administration has anticipated the strong demand for programs, services, and events while acknowledging slower revenue growth and economic conditions.

When passed in 2023, the Biennial Budget was used as a road map for anticipated future revenue and planned expenditures, allocating resources and reflecting the City Council’s priorities and policies for fiscal years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025.

The development of the City’s FY 2023-25 Biennial Budget began in December 2022. During that time, City Administration reviewed the spending up to that period of time and determined the fiscal health of the General Fund in order to start developing the new fiscal year budgets.

In creating this budget, the City Administration followed the priorities of the City Council in establishing a framework for the next two years. Those priorities include: Fiscal and Organizational Sustainability, Economic Development and Land Use, a dedication to infrastructure, prioritizing Health, Wellness, and Safety, and an ongoing commitment to Community Engagement.

Over the past fiscal year, the City hassuccessfully navigated recent unique challenges without compromising the quality or level of services provided to the community. The City has excelled in responsibly maintaining fiscal prudence and is fortunate to have avoided the cost-reduction measures many other local governments face. City Administration continues its commitment to be resourceful and creative in maintaining and investing in current services, operations, and infrastructure while adapting to the future needs of this community.

As we begin the new fiscal year, the 2024/2025 budget furthers the City’s mission to deliver outstanding municipal services that are responsive to the entire community and consistent with the City’s history, culture, and unique needs.

“When we created this biennial budget, we as an administration created it with the community in mind,” said City Manager Steve Carmona. “We understand that the money that is used is money coming directly from our own tax paying residents. We have a responsibility to be transparent and fiscally responsible to ensure our residents tax dollars are being spent appropriately.”

The final year of the approved Biennial Budget includes expenditures of $61.1 million, of which nearly a quarter will be allotted to the City’s public safety, including the Sheriff’s

“In proposing our City budget, Public Safety has always been, and will continue to be a priority in the City,” said Carmona. “Each year, the City Council makes it a point to invest in the City’s safety.”

The remaining balance of the budget will be spent on the City’s various departments for programs and services, including public works, parks and recreation services.

With the passage of the Biennial Budget, Mr. Carmona thanked the City Council for their guidance during the budget preparation process. Mr. Carmona stated that the City is committed to exploring every option to maintain and improve the financial health of the organization as well as the high level of service to the community.

The approved Biennial Budget is available for viewing here.

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