With Summer winding down and Fall soon approaching, the warm Summer weather continues throughout Southern California. Typically, during warmer weather, energy demand is high due to the use of air conditioning and other appliances. With the high energy use comes high energy bills. To combat those bills, PRIME has seven Energy Saving Tips to help you cut costs and get you through those warmer Fall days.

1 – Open Windows in the Evenings. Open windows to create a cross breeze and naturally cool your home, especially during mild temperatures.

2 – Pre-set Thermostat & Maintain Air Conditioner. Set a programmable thermostat to a higher setting when you’re not home to reduce energy costs by about 10%. Additionally, regularly replacing or cleaning air filters can reduce energy consumption by up to 15%.

3 – Cook Outside. Cooking outside on warm days can be an enjoyable way to keep heat out of your home.

4 – Use Ceiling Fans. Ceiling fans can cool your home by four degrees, thus lowering your electricity bill while maintaining comfort.

5 – Treat Windows. Installing energy-efficient window treatments can reduce heat accumulation and energy costs while enhancing your home’s appearance.

6 – Seal Air Leaks and Ducts. Sealing ducts and other air leaks can account for nearly 30% of cooling energy consumption and lower electricity costs.

7 – Use Sunlight Wisely. Use sunlight during the day to brighten your home and turn off artificial lights. Investing in solar panels and storage batteries are other ways to use sunlight wisely.

For more energy-saving tips, visit poweredbyprime.org/energy-tips

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