Stay Safe and Sane This Holiday
City and Sheriff’s Department officials encourage residents to celebrate responsibly by using only fireworks approved and labeled by the State Fire Marshal as “Safe and Sane.” The sale and use of “Safe and Sane” fireworks is legal in the City of Pico Rivera.
However, City and Sheriff’s Officials continue to discourage those who discharge illegal fireworks. Individuals caught selling, storing, using, or possessing illegal fireworks (firecrackers, bottle rockets, skyrockets, Roman candles, mortars, M-80s, and cherry bombs, as well as those that are not officially labeled “Safe and Sane”) will be cited with a $1000 fine. Violators will also be held responsible for any damage resulting from their use of illegal fireworks. Parents will be liable for any damage or injuries caused by their children’s use of illegal fireworks.
“This is an ongoing issue not only in Pico Rivera but Countywide,” said City Manager Steve Carmona. “Locally, we are working with our Sheriff’s Department to do all we can to mitigate this issue to ensure that our residents can enjoy the Independence Day Holiday safely and without the inconvenience and danger of illegal fireworks.”
To avoid any penalties, risk of injury, or property damage, both the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the Los Angeles County Fire Department recommend residents leave the fireworks to the professionals and seek a local fireworks show.
Residents with questions about fireworks or who wish to report the sale, distribution, or use of illegal fireworks are asked to contact the Sheriff’s Pico Rivera Station at 562.949.2421. All reports made are kept anonymous.

Make This Holiday Safer for Your Pets
With Independence Day just around the corner, pet owners are reminded that while celebrations are fun and festive, they can be rough and frightful for pets. Following are some tips from the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA) for keeping your pets safe during Fourth of July festivities.
Make them comfortable – Many cats and dogs are easily frightened by noisy fireworks. The best option is to leave them indoors (not leashed in the yard) during the entire holiday weekend. Place them in a safe, secure, escape-proof room with a comfy bed, food, and water. Also, consider leaving a T.V. or radio on to drown out the noise of fireworks and to provide familiar sounds while you’re out.
Never leave animals tethered or chained outside – Pets can injure or hang themselves if they jump around or leap over a fence while trying to run from the noises. Cats should stay indoors.
Confirm your pet’s collar and I.D. information – Pets frightened by loud celebrations on the 4th of July often run away. Make sure your pet is wearing a properly-fitted collar with the correct identification and tags. Micro-chipping is the best way to help ensure your lost pet is returned home safely and promptly.
Be careful with decorations – Your pet may easily mistake red, white, and blue decorations and glow sticks for chew toys. Cats can even become tangled in streamers and ribbons. Make sure to pet-proof your home and keep fun decorations out of paw’s reach.
Call your vet – If you think your pet needs to be sedated or tranquilized to handle the fireworks noise and celebrations, contact your veterinarian.
Watch the alcohol – Alcoholic beverages have the potential to poison pets, so never leave your beverage unattended.
No picnic table and grill scraps – Human food (bones, onions, avocado, grapes, and raisins) should always be off-limits to your dog as they may be toxic or dangerous. Always be aware of what friends and family are sneaking to your dog under the table.
Never leave pets in an unattended parked car – Partially opened windows do not provide sufficient airflow to keep your car cool enough for a pet. They also put your pet in jeopardy of being stolen.
Stay in the shade – Like humans, dogs, and other pets can suffer from heat stroke. Keep your pets in shaded areas on hot or even warm days.
Stay hydrated – Dehydration is the number one concern and danger for your pet during those long summer heat waves. Make sure you have a generous amount of fresh water on hand to quench your dog’s thirst.
For more information about pet safety, contact SEAACA at 562.803.3301.

Keep Pico Rivera Clean
Residents are encouraged to help clean up after their own fireworks celebrations or block celebrations. Many streets are littered with debris from spent fireworks, and it often takes days before it’s cleaned up by the street sweeper. Help make our City look beautiful by picking up all the debris caused by any and all Safe and Sane fireworks during this Fourth of July Holiday.
Be Courteous of Your Neighbors
As a reminder, while celebrating Independence Day can be a fun and an enjoyable experience, be sensitive to your neighbors. Discharge fireworks during reasonable hours. Many residents may have to work the next day. Discharging fireworks at late hours is not only disruptive, but inconvenient to those who may have to get up early in the morning. Also, be mindful of your pets as well as those of your neighbors. Finally, be respectful to our Seniors, individuals with PTSD, and adults and children with special needs. Oftentimes, loud noises are disruptive and sometimes harmful.